Category: SW Development

Hack Week: Hack Process

IHeartRadio held their annual hack week last week. It was an incredible experience with tons of interesting ideas. For me, as someone who is passionate about process, I decided I wanted to jump on to a team that would be willing to demo a process rather than a feature. So, while every other team’s efforts could be seen in the… Read more →

Why UI/UX Changes Must be Taken Iteratively

Let’s imagine you take the subway to work everyday. Let’s say you’ve been using the same entrance for years. One morning you go to the subway entrance and you notice it’s boarded up and you’re forbidden to enter there. As a user of the subway, you’re frustrated and incredibly angry with the transit service for not giving you notice. Now,… Read more →

On Strict Agile Process

Process principals are like design patterns in software. They aren’t created as much as they’re discovered. It’s my belief that agile was created the same way. Someone had a team that was working really well together and someone on that team decided to try and figure out why, so they came up with a set of principals and decided to… Read more →

Code Review: A Proposal to the Team

I was asked to put together a few guidelines for code review as a proposal for its use and reintroduction into our SDLC at my place of employment. Below are a few that I have found to work well. It should be noted, however, that code review is a part of team culture that means how it’s conducted and the rules… Read more →